ed t
e miner,"
t said. T
he whole operatio
n - like t
Training Programs
he narrow-ga
uge railroad
- never re
anned o
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ut. T
he opera
tion was idle for sev
Testing Services
eral years until 1
Full-Scale Curtain Wall Reaction Stucture
913. Then, Romaine Fielding and the L
ubin Motion Picture Company
came to town, and the aba
ndoned smelter caught the di
rector's eye. "
Sundy was a thrilling day f
or the Silver City pe
Sled Track Experiments
Evaluation/Analysis Services
ople," said the Inde
pendent that year. "The L
ubin Co. enacted a drama
at the sm
Research and Development
elter below town, blew up the narrow gau
ge railroa
d bridge an
d two la
rge water
tanks and incidentall
y furnished amusement fo
r 2,000 people scattered o
ver the surround
ing hills watchi
ng the interesting events."
directed a
mock labor riot at the smelter
and 200 a
ctors rushed up the hill b
ehind the smelter and set fir
e to the water tan
Rocket Test Site
ks. As they rand down
the hill, the
tanks blew up. "The si
te was a beautiful one,
the tanks being
shot fully 200 fe
et in the air and
the rioters and sp
ectators were cov
ered with
a shower of slinge
rs and rocks." Later, when part of the narrow-gauge railroad
was to be e
xploded, the cap
didn't go off.
Undaunted, Fielding grabbed a pistol an
d fired at the dynamite. The following
day, and old oil house n
ear the smelter was also blown up as part of th
e bridge scene. Today, ther
e isn't much left of t
Information Technology Branch
he operati
on. Large
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black slag pil
es are gradually bein
g hauled away
from Gran
t County's driveways and
ch" is
filled w
ith illegal
ly dumped trash
ed pipes protrude fr
om the g
round. Twiste
d iron lies wi
th scatter
ed, broken