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Training Programs

ing moon, the seeds qu

it growing. With careful nursing and watering from April until September, the pigmy ears grew. In the early fall the corn was gathered by the men. A day at Tyuonyi during "corn gathering month" about 1537 A.D. was an interesting one. The large plaza inside Puwige was swept clean, if customs of yesteryear parallel those of today, and the corn was brought therein. Com, they believed, had life like people and would be glad to be brought in and housed and protected. It was placed in

piles and everybody from the pueblo helped with the hus

kingÑ^men, women and children. And when they finished they might have gone to the cliffs to help their relatives with their husking. As fast as the ears were husked they were thrown on the flat mud roofs of the houses tEMRTCo dry. These Indians did not use all the corn at once. The old women thought of crop failures the next year and so they saved a double amount of the

life-giving grains to pl

ant the year after. After all the husking was done, the pueblo

was swept clean with brooms made of grass bound with yucca fiber or corn husks. This was in preparation for a festivalÑ a dance perhaps, to observe the gathering-in of the crop. Strange customs these Indians had! While corn was standing in the fields it was

the property of the men.

As soon as it was gathered, huske/d and stored, it belonged