Understanding and Planning for School Bomb Incidents (UPSBI) Course
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Understanding and Planning for School Bomb Incidents (UPSBI) Course

k below to learn more Computer Simulations Mine Detection Evaluation RASS/SODAR

Sounding Site Shock Tube EMRTC 20 ft di
ameter Shock Tu
be can accommoda
te large targets in
side and outside of the tube.

Smaller Items can be tested using

ely uses finite

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e used for opera

ls upward i

nto the atmosphere.

The system reveals atmospheric conditions, including temperature inversions and wind spe

ed and direction with altitude. The measurements are accomplished without the need for balloons or other devices to be sent aloft. The specific system components and pricing are detailed later. The RASS temperature system is based on a

few simple principles of physics: one being the relationsh at New Mexico Tech:

al to the s

quare root of absolute temper

ature. Sound pulses are transmitted into the air with a vertical trajectory, and their motio

n monitore

d using acoustic backscattering in the SODAR system and radar