k below to learn more
Computer Simulations
Mine Detection Evaluation
Sounding Site
Shock Tube
EMRTC 20 ft di
ameter Shock Tu
be can accommoda
te large targets in
side and outside of the tube.
Smaller Items can be tested using
- either the EMRTC 4 ft diameter Shock Tube or 2 ft diameter scale model.
- and small scale modeling available for experiments where full scale testing is not an optio
- n.
Computer Simulations
EMRTC uses a wide array of state-of-the-art computer software to predict and analyze many t
- ypes of reactions, structures, and energetic events. Software packages such as Cheetah are used to predi
- Participants who successfully complete four assessments may immediately print a certificate of completion. Successful applicants earn 0.4 Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
- ct detonation properties of explosives of known composition. Blast tools such as ConWep
- and BlastX are used to estimate loading from air blasts. EMRTC routin
ely uses finite
element analysis to model highly dyn
amic problems such as exdiscusses components of a school response plan including a bomb incident response plan. The section on threat and threat assessment includes warning signs of aggressive student behavior.
plosive pressure vessels and projectile delivery packages. FEA provides designers with a tool for simulating the behavior of a design under various loading conditions without expensive prototyping. EMRTC typically uses this type of modeling when designing objects that must survive shock environments such as explosions and gun firings.
EMRTC also has several first-principle hydrodynamic codes, including CTH from Sandia National Laboratories
and uses the Los Alamos National Laboratory based SPH code, SPHINX, and LS DYNA, a finite element hydrodynamic code for structural calculations
Mine Detection Evaluation
The Countermine Test Site was developed to test and evaluate technologies for the detection and destruction of anti-tank and anti personnel mines. The site consists of support facilities and 100 and 200 meter oval flat tracks. Inert or live mines can be located on the tracks. Remotely operated robotic detection/destruction devices can b
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e used for opera
tions involving live mines.
The SODAR/RASS system, also simply referred to as the RASS system, a device that measures temperature and wind conditions in the lower at
mosphere up to altitudes of 4 to 5 km. It consists of , International Association of Chiefs of Police
an acoustic based sounding radar, the SODAR, coupled with a Doppler radar, theRASS system. The RASS system senUSses (by means of Bragg reflections) the tra
- jectory and radar signature of a sound pulse emitted by the SODAR as it trave
ls upward i
nto the atmosphere.
The system reveals atmospheric conditions, including temperature inversions and wind spe
ed and direction with altitude. The measurements are accomplished without the need for balloons or other devices to be sent aloft. The specific system components and pricing are detailed later.
The RASS temperature system is based on a
few simple principles of physics: one being the relationsh at New Mexico Tech:
al to the s
quare root of absolute temper
ature. Sound pulses are transmitted into the air with a vertical trajectory, and their motio
n monitore