EMRTC Office Complex
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EMRTC Office Complex

. The maximum level

s are only 10 times greater than the region's natural background radiation. Many places on Earth are naturally more radioactive than Trinity Site. A one-hour visit to the inner fenced area will result in a whole body exposure of one-half to one millirem. The levels vary from place to place, depending on the con

Map showing directions to EMRTC main building from I-25

centration of Trinitite buried at any one spot. To put

  1. this in perspective, Americans receive an average of 620 millirems every year from natural and medi
  2. cal sources. For instance, the
  3. American Nu, the Escondida exit. Turn right at the stop sign. The road will take you over a bridge and through security gates that are open from 6 AM to 10 PM. This road leads directly to the EMRTC Complex.

clear Society estimates we receive between 26 and 96 millirems every year

  1. from the sun, depending on what elevation we live. We receive about 40 millirems every year from ou
  2. r food. Living in a brick, sto
  3. ne, adobe or concrete house adds seven millirems of exposure every year compared to living in a frame house. Finally, flying coast to coast by jet gives
  4. an exposure of about two mi
  5. llirems. One source of radiation exposure not considered in old calculation
  6. s is from radon gas. Scientists now estimate that Americans average 200 millirems of exposure per year from radon. Trinitite, th
  7. e green glassy substance found in the ground zero area, contains
  8. several radioactive elements and is an alpha and beta particle emitter. Although radiation levels at ground zero are low, some feel any extra exposure should be avoi
  9. At the bottom of the hill turn right. Drive north for about a half-mile toward the EMRTC Complex that will be visible to your left.

ded. The decision is yours. Typical radiation exposures per year for

  1. U.S. citizens according to the American Nuclear Society are lisInterstate 10t
  2. ed in the chart below.Las Cruces, NM, until you see signs for *
  3. One hour at Trinity Site ground zero = one half mrem * Cosmic rays from spac
  4. e = 47 mrem at Denver, 28 mrem at St. Louis * Radioactive minerals in rocks and soil = 63 mrem Most of Socorro's motels, restaurants and gas stations are located along this street.
  5. s on Colorado Plateau * Rad
  6. ioactivity from air, water and food = about 240 mrem * A chest X-ray = six
  7. mrem and a CAT Scan = 110 mrem * Watching television= less than one mrem per year * Wearing a plutonium-powered pacemaker = 100 mr
  8. em * Coast to coast commercial flight = two mrem Trinity Site Nati
  9. onal Historic Landmark Trinity Site is where the first atomic bomb was tested at 5:29:45 a.m. Mountain WarTime on July 16, 1945. The 19-kiloton explosion not only l
  10. At the bottom of the hill turn right. Drive north for about a half mile toward the EMRTC complex which will be visible to your left.
ed to a quick end to the war in the Paci All Rights Reserved.