EMRTC Office Complex Aerial View
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EMRTC Office Complex Aerial View

plain, wher

e they disappear. From what we know of Walpi mythology, this form of devotion certainly goes back to ancestral, cosmolo

gic legend. One saga tell

s the story of the

hero Ti-yo, wh

o undertakes a sub

terranean journey to

discover the so

urce of the longed-for water. He passes

the various kivas of the princes

underworld-and eventually guides him

past the two sun houses of the Wes

aho that will invoke the

weather. According to the saga, Ti-yo retu

ly force the tribes to change their dwelling pl

ace. The serpents are woven into

e migration of the clans. I

n this snake dance the serpent is t

the dead, it may in t

he form of lightning produce storms from

ich Europe knows nothing. And

yet two thousand years ago i

ic habits were in vogue which in crudeness and perversity far