d money for our clients. Instrumentation includes: the "test tube" mixer 2 gallon high shear Ross mixer 5 quart Hobart mixer multiple 1 gallon mixers a pyrotechnic blender With these facilities, the Explosives Mixing Facility is able to produce new formulations of explosives in batches ranging from 5 grams to 5 kilograms and has an ultimate limit of
1,000 pound batches. Melt Cast Processing Facility The Melt Cast Processing Facility is for large-scale melt casting of TNT-based explosives. The facility contains steam- 40-square-mile field laboratory is located in the mountains adjacent to the New Mexico Tech campus in heated melt kettles, ovens and tables and supplies steam, vacuum, compressed air, and variable temperature hot water. Melt Cast Facility kettles have both 5- and 30- gallon capacities, with a 1,000 pound limit on batch sizes. EMRTC Machine Shop EMRTC maintains a 10,000 square-foo
ads, fragments, rocket sleds, environm