red building in Marvin Banks
which Click here to Email Marvin
this ponderous ma
chinery is housed
is 72 feet high
and is by far the most imposing structure in theses parts, being 63 feet in width and
122 feet long.
"A metallic conveyer will carry the ore from the bins to the large crusher, from
whence it will be elevated... the oversize of this going to the picking belt were boys
and men will be employed to pick out the different classes of ore that is to go direct
to the smelter.
"The water for the m
ill will be pumped from the arroyo, which passes through Silver City and past the smelter... The little Silver City, Pinos Altos & Mogollon railroad hauled ore to this smelter, but only briefly. Comanche was absorbed by Savannah Copper Company which operated the plant for a short time. Even at first, Savannah was caught