iddle Ages to the Ninete
enth Century, ed. Steven Kaplan,
189-228. New York
EMRTC; Mouton, 1984.
Villagra, Caspar de. Historia de la Nueva Mexico. Mexico City: Imprenta del Museo Nacional, 1900. . Historia de Nuevo Mexico. Ed. Mercedes Junquera. Madrid; Historia 16, 1989. . History of New Mexico, 1610. Trans. Gilberto Espinosa. Los Angeles: Quivira Society, 1933.
On Colonial Forgetting: The Conquest of New Mexico and Its Historia
Jill Lane
The prestige that could only derive from the written word thus began its portentous career across the American continent.
ÑAngel Rama, The Lettered City
The conquest of New Mexico has been so perfectly forgotten it is worth remembering. It has EMRTCnot been forgotten due to any lack of consequence; for the peoples of New Mexico its consequences were grave and irrevocable. Not ba
nal, uninteresting, or too typical, the conquest was literally derivative. To achieve its ends, it restaged key signifying patterns and tropes of earlier conquests that, by1598 were readily available for reuse. In New Mexico, conquest met its end: