iversity in May 2001 aft
er having served f

or many years as an Army Officer, U
niversity Professor, and Department of

the Army Civilian. He began his g
overnment career at White Sands Mis

sile Range, NM, in 1979. In February 1
989, following a succession of promoti

ons, he became Dire

ctor of the Dir

ectorate for Applied Technology, Test and Si

mulation (DATTS). In that role

, he successfully le

d the direct

orate in its mission to perf

orm test, evaluation, assessmen
t, modeling, an
d simulation of electroma

gnetic, directed energy, nuclear, electronic warfare, and space environmental effects applicable to DoD weapon systems and componentry, other Government development efforts, and commercial products and programs. Under his leadership, DATTS developed a solid reputation for service by its dedication to providing responsive, affordable support to its growing customer base. Based on that reputation, Dr. Meason expanded DATTS operations to include more comprehensive capabilities in electronic warfare/electro-optical/electromagnetic (EW/EO/EM) effects to better serve the directorate's clients. Prior to his government career, Dr. Meason was a teaching professor and leading researcher at the University of Arkansas and other academic institutions. His academic and government careers have cov

ered virtually all major areas of nuclear science, with achievements advancing the understanding of basic and applied phenomena in the fields of nuclear physics, radio and nuclear chemistry, nucleo-geo-cosmo chemistry, and nuclear engineering. He has authored over 100 scientific and technical papers and referees for journals such as IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Physical Review (nuclear section). He has evaluated proposals for the National Science Foundation and the Atomic Energy Commission and has been a consultant for

environmental monitor Twenty students will be chosen for Explosives Camp and they will see firsthand how energetic materials might be their career choice for the future. All you have to do to qualify is send us the following before May 31st, 2011 (Note that this is an extension of the original deadline of May 01, 2011):

ued his studies at the University of Arkansas, earning a Master of Science degree in nuclear chemistry and a Ph.D. in nuclear physics and chemistry. He was awarded the Fulbright Fellowship for Lecturing and Research, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey. Dr. Meason served in the U.S. Army Individual Ready Reserve and was discharged in 1982. He currently resides in Socorro, NM. He and his wife,

Joan, have two grown sons, John and Paul. Chemistry Laboratories The primary focus of the Chemistry Laboratories is to develop answers to research questions both for energetic materials and other materials. The synthesis of new energetic materials, their testing and performance products are analyzed to provide safety information. A variety of research projects supported by private and public corporations, the National Science Foundation, DoE, and DoD are ongoing in the laboratories each year. These projects make use of the laboratories' state-of-the-art equipment, including Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Fourier Transform Attenuated To

tal Reflectance Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), an Agilent Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) with an autosampler and other equipment designed to provide information with a high level of accuracy and precision. Equipment utilized in the Chemistry Laboratories includes t

he following: Agilent Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectro

On Saturday, June 25th parents are invited to NMTech for lunch. Group photos will be taken, certificates will be awarded and student presentations will be made. Students can leave NMTech with a parent/guardian after lunch on Saturday.

meter with autosampler (GC-MS): The GC-MS separates and detects gas samples containing small amounts of

explosives, other energetic materials and propellants, organi