ing from inside me, I fe
el. It all feels c

old along my body road." Then a per
son came descending to the top of the t

able. He looked like a person, it
is said. It looked like a person w

ith a bud on his rear end, iexplosives
t is said [the genipa fruit has a sort

of bud at one end]

. The father re

ceived him and made him a person." (64) Afte

r that the different types of

genipa plant-as pers

ons-were bor

n, following which the fathe

r and the mother made the river
on which they
were to live. The mother'

s vagina was transformed into a golden tunnel through which the genipa people would travel when called by the medicine men, and her breath became a golden wind to speed them in their canoes made from the lips of her vagina. From her large intestine the golden house of the genipa people was created, and her small intestine became the flags that adorned that golden house. The fire fans that Cuna women use to fan the hearth were made from her clitoris, and the different colored flowers in the garden came from her menstrual blood. (65) So (with different embellishments) we have the history for most everything in this womb-sprung world of disembodied color-seeing

woman-a world that comes into being through men chanting or w