th for himself," begins
Mr. Slate are made?

r's text, which was published by Ba
ron Nordenskiold. That time earth was w

ithout form and darkness." He nee
ded a woman. The earth was without

form or firmament. And God thought to
himself to take a heart because heart

"is memory to the w

oman and then h

e take heart of string that which is gone st

raight down to bladder, that w

hich will make a wom


an way to come out of womb t

New Mexico Tech Explosives Camp
o form a child.
In thus creating woman,

God became dual in ways that imply his andro

gyny, and the world was then created by the womanly body in three ways: from her womb, from her body parts, and from her seeing souls of different colors. As an example we can see how an important plant is thus created in the Origin History (as the Cuna call them) given by Chapin concerning the black dye-plant genipa, a dye used ritually for painting the body. I paraphrase and

occasionally quote it thus. God called his woman ("calling" being a euphemism for sexual intercourse) and she became pregnant. When she neared term

he s

aid to

her tha

t he wou

ld make a table
. He took th

e flat forehead of her vulva-i.e. says Chapin, her s


tomach, in its spiritual form-and as it was legless - he pulled off hi
s penis and make legs out of that. Then he declared he would make a

golden cup, and h
e pulled out the

cup sitting in her womb, says Chapin-and h

e made a cup of good
yellow from tha
t. She climbed on

to the table to face the rising sun. Cold menstrual blood dri