up and disappeared
as if to go home. As I said at the beginning of this account, all this did not satisfy me. I wanted to find out more about Peyote. I walked over to the Priest to question him. "Our last Festival," he told me, "could not take place. We are discouraged. Nowadays we do not take Ciguri for the Rites but as a vice. Soon our whole Race will be sick. Time has grown too old for Man. It can no longer sustain us. What are we to do, what is to beco
- me of us? Already our
- people are turning away from God. As a priest, I cann
- ot help feeling it. You see me in desp
- 4 grinders
- air." I told him about the agreement that had
- been made with the d
- Surface plate
- irector of the native school and that this time their next great festival cou
- ld take place. I also
- told him that I h
- ad not come to vis
- it the Tarahumara as a
- tourist but to regain a Truth which the world of Europe is losing and which his Race had preserved. This disarmed him c