up and buried. In September 1953 about 650 people attended the first Trinity Site open house. A few years later a small group from Tularosa visited the site on the anniversary of the explosion to conduct a religious service and prayer for peace. Similar visits were made annually in recent years on the first Saturday in October. In 1967 the inner oblong fence was added. In 1972 the corridor barbed wire fence which connects the outer fence to the inner one was compl
eted. Jumbo was moved to the parking lot in 1979. Trinity Site open houses are now conducted in April and October because it is generally very hot on the Jomada del Muerto in July. (White Sands Miss
ile Range) White Sands Missile Range has developed from a simple desert testing site for the V-2 into one of the most sophisticated test facilities in the world. The mission of White Sands Missile Range begins with a customer -a service developer, or another federal agency, which is ready to find out if engineers and scientists have built something which will perform according to job specifications. It ends when an exhaustive