unds and majors, including the following, have found a place at EMRTC: Business Chemical Engineering Chemistry Computer Science Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Explosives Engineering Geology Materials Engineering Materials Science Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Physics Psychology Technical Communication EMRTC also participates in college prep programs for high school students, including the New Mexico Mathematics Engineering Science Achi
evement (MESA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Young Scholars programs. EMRTC Affiliates EMRTC and its affiliates make up one of the United States' premier research and training institutions. I
n addition to the many services and research areas provided directly by EMRTC,EMRTC's Affiliates provide specialized services and research. METTOP The mission of EMRTC's state-of-the-art MicroElectronics Testing and Technology Obsolescence Program (METTOP) is to test, evaluate and assess the many types of microelectronic components that make up so many of today's sophisticated military, space and commercial systems. Click here to visit