Gun Ranges
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Gun Ranges

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All gun ranges have orthogonal flash X-ray capability for muzzle X-ray diagnostics. Instrumentation includes a digitized weather monitoring system, Doppler radar, AVL ballistic computer systems, pressure-time transducers, sky screens, accelerometers, strain gauges, thermocouples, and pressure gauges. Photographic equipment includes high-speed cameras (10,000 f/s), image motion compensation (IMC) photography (high-speed 16 mm and 35 mm formats), and full-range video capability.

hey could take from the Navaho, Then there were the Tewa villages to be dealt with up the Rio Grande between Santa Fe and the pueblo of San Juan, The San Ildefonso Tewa fled to a high black rock known

as "Black Mesa." It had been used by them for years as a place of defense. From its top the country can be seen for miles around. It was here that they held out against the Spanish soldiers from January until September of 1694. They finally surrendered after several unsuccessful assaults at their rock and a siege which lasted for five days. Black Mesa figures considerably in the mythology of the Tewas. They say that during this s

Gun Ranges

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