High Performance Magazine Facility
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High Performance Magazine Facility

High Performance Magazine(HPM) Facility

n flora and fauna. In the end, if it's a missile, we fire it, record its performance and bring back the pieces for postmortem examination. All tesNATOt data is reduced and the customer receives a full report. For more information on White Sands Missile RangeCurtain wall reaction testing or Trinity Site contact: Public

Affairs Office (WS-PA) White Sands Missile Range, N.M. 88002-5047 Phone# is (575) 678-1134 Visit the Public Affairs web pages for the most up-to-date official information about Trinity Site or the missile range at: www.wsmr.army.mil Use the links to get to the Pu

blic Affairs homepage where you will find a table of contents. This is a drawing of the patch which was issued to military personnel who participated in the Manhattan Projec

t. The background of the patch is blue to represent the uni