EMRTC Edit Studio Marketing
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EMRTC Edit Studio Marketing

laries or travel and

per diem costs for
course participants, should they be required. C
ontact Richard Cam

pbell to arrange a class in your area or call 575-835-5054. States Points of Contact Top of Form Each State Point of Contact (SPOC) is responsible for coordinating WMD training. Your SPOCmust review and approve your application for the operational level course before beEMRTCing submitted to EMRTC. Cho

Location Photography and Video

ose your state from the pull-down menu to locate your SPOC. EMRTC Explosive Firing Site and Laboratory Personnel Safety Course This course covers safety and procedures for the use of explosives in research, development, testing, production, and evaluation activities. Students participate in four days

of intensive study that consist

s of classroom presentations, hands-on laboratory instructions, and firing site demonstrations using EMRTC's explosive testing facilities. The course has been structured to provide basic knowledge for scientist, engineers, and oper

ating personnel in basic e

xplosive chemistry, safety procedures, and testing of energetic materials. This includes training for explosives laboratory personnel in the proper methods for testing explosives. The objectives of this course are to acquaint students with techniques and safety requirements and to introduce safe procedures

to be used

at firing sites and laboratories where research, development, testing, and evaluation of energetic materials are conducted. EMRTC's mission is to provide a working laboratory for research, testing, and training in the areas of energetic material

s, explosi

A well designed web space gives prospective students and their parents the great first impression your department is seeking. Let the Edit Studio design a site that is sure to wow them. Sure you have all the programmers you need, but what about a professional web designer? The Edit Studio can create one page or an entire site based on your specs and content. We even have a professional programming consultant to make sure your site is at the top of any search engine list.

Other Graphics Services

ves, and ordnance. EMRTC's facilities include a 40-square-mile field laboratory that includes more than 30 separate test sites, gun ranges, and research labor

atories. Print and film. From simple photo scanning to large 11" x 17" scans, we scan it, retouch it and burn it to CD or DVD.

Principal Instructors Dr. John Meason, Director, EMRTC Mr. Dennis Hunter, Associate Director of Training, Safety and Security, EMRTC Dr. Christa Hockensmith, Head of Chemistry Laboratories, EMRTC Mr. Marvin Banks, Research Engi neer II, EMRTC Dr. Robert Abernathy, Computational Analyst, EMRTC Mr. Brad Bohling, Ordnance Supervisor, EMRTC Mr. Jerome Lattery, Research Engineer, EMRTC Mr. Raymond Tobin, Safet

y Officer, EMRTC Guest Lecturers Dr. Doug Olson, Manager of Testing Operations, Wilfred Baker Engineering Inc. Mr. Greg Henninger, Former Director, Aerojet

We Create. Operations Course Dates Jul. 09-12, 2012 Registration Information Registration Form Contact Information To register for the course, or for additional information regarding the course please contact: Leslie Griego New Mexico Tech/EMRTC 801 Leroy Place Socorro, NM 87801 Phone: 575.835.5595 Fax: 575.835.5680 Email: safetycourse@emrtc.nmt.edu Education Credits Credits for this course count towards the Test and Eva

luation Certicate offered by the Test and Evaluation and see how we can help you.

Research and Education Center (TEREC)

at the Georgia Institute of Technology. More information can